Art & Science
2019 Dramaturgical consultation Choreography:Die Stunde, da wir nichts voneinander wussten (The hour when we knew nothing about each other), Peter Handke. Director: Robert Schuster, Choreography: Martin Gruber, City Theatre Klagenfurt (Austria), United Stages Bolzano (Italy).
2017 “Berlin. Culture Belt and Road City Report”, Hong Kong Belt Road 2017. City-to-City Cultural Exchange Conference by Zuni Icosahedron, Curators: Danny Yong, Matthias Woo, Hong Kong (SAR China).
2015 Studies on the Chinese Opera: Ten Days with Zhou Xinfang: Zhou Xinfang and its Special Importance for the Further Development of the Shanghai Jingju Style, Shanghai Theatre Academy, Shanghai (VR China): In Memory of the 120th Birthday of Jingju Maestro Zhou Xinfang, Internationales Symposium, Chinese Ministry of Culture of the PR China and Zhou Xinfang Arts Research Center, Shanghai (PR China)
2014dramaturgy Alga Bolokh – Vom Verschwinden (About disappearance)/Ulan Bator – Berlin,Installation and Performance in the Radialsystem Berlin, by Claudia Heu and Gerhard Fillei (Austria), as part of the research and performance platform Urban Nomads, Berlin.
2013 Direction and text version Dante, Tod und Teufel. Street theatre in the Tucherschloss Nürnberg, Festival Blaue Nacht.
2010 Ass. Prof. at the City University of Hong Kong, seminar “Theatre, Performance and Society”,study programme Heritage and Cultural Management.
2008 Assistant director Sakkorausch(Elisabeth Reichart). director: Martin Gruber, world premiere Schauspielhaus Salzburg (Austria).
2004 Dramaturgy Dialoge über die Liebe. Eine Straßenoper (Dialogues about Love. A Street Opera) Directed by Martin Gruber, premiere at the International Festival Hue (Vietnam), Goethe-Institut Hanoi (Vietnam), Munich Opera Festival Festspiel+. Television documentary of the project under the title The Linking between Asia and Europe broadcast on Vietnamese television VTV 3.
2001 Cooperation Asien-Pazifik-Wochen (Asia-Pacific Weeks), China-Fest (China Festival), Berlin.
1999 Seminar Schwerkraft und Leichtsinn. Über das Irrationale im Theoretischen. Kleist, Wittgenstein, Zéami (Gravity and carelessness. About the irrational in the theoretical. Kleist, Wittgenstein, Zéami) study programme Directing, Bayerische Theaterakademie August Everding, Munich, with Martin Gruber.
1998 Author Anstatt Rashomon (Instead of Rashomon), Director: Martin Gruber, world premiere Stadttheater Ulm.
1998 Author Fest für Liebende in unglücklicher Konstellation, Director: Martin Gruber, world premiere Akademietheater München (Academy Theatre Munich).
1997 Dramaturgy Beijing lan – Peking is blue, Director: Martin Gruber and Tian Gebing, world premiere Yan Huang Art Gallery, Beijing (PR China), Television documentary of the project under the title Begegnungen in Beijing (3SAT and ARTE).
1995 – 1994 Co-organiser, conception, organisation Chinesische Lyrik. Musik. Malerei. Künstler aus Deutschland und China im Gespräch (Chinese poetry. Music. Painting. Artists from Germany and China in conversation) German-Chinese Cultural Days, in cooperation with the Hölderlin-Gesellschaft Tübingen, with the Südwestfunk and with the Kulturamt der Stadt Tübingen. Broadcasting of selected events to S 2 Kultur (Culture).
1994 –1992 Conception and organization Zeichen lesen – Lese-Zeichen. Ein kultursemiotischer Vergleich von Leseweisen in Deutschland und China, international symposium, University of Tübingen, headed by Prof. Jürgen Wertheimer.
Workshops / Lectures
2017 panel discussion “From Beijing lan to 500 metres: 20 years of German-Chinese theatre cooperation”, 2.10.2017, Goethe-Institut Peking in 798, Beijing (PR China).
2014 Series of lectures “Theatre and philosophy”, Sterijno pozorje Festival, Novi Sad (Serbia).
2014 Lecture”What do we owe to the theatre laboratories of the 20th century?”, international Symposium Experience of Theatre Laboratories of the 20th century and its influence on contemporary theatre practices, Novi Sad (Serbia).
2006 Workshop “Theatrales Geschehen als komplexes 3D-Informationsdesign (Theatrical Events as Complex 3D Information Design)”, University of the Arts, Berlin.
2004 Workshop “Peking ist blau und Anstatt Rashomon. Von China nach Japan in zwei Theaterstücken (Beijing is blue and Instead of Rashomon. From China to Japan in two plays)”, Ästhetische Entwürfe in Ost und West (Aesthetic designs in East and West), international symposium, Rheinische Friedrich-Wilhelms-Universität Bonn.
2003 Lecture “Unsterblicher Leichtsinn – das Reich der Mitte und die Loslösung von der Erdenschwere (Immortal carelessness – the kingdom of the center and the detachment from the earthly heaviness)”,
9. Internationales Seminar für körperbezogene Psychotherapie und Körpertherapie der Österreichischen Gesellschaft für Medizinische Psychologie, Psychotherapie und Psychosomatik (ÖGMP) (International Seminar for Body Related Psychotherapy and Body Therapy of the Austrian Society for Medical Psychology, Psychotherapy and Psychosomatics), Bad Gleichenberg (Austria).
1997 Lecture “What’s a tree supposed to be? Cultural differences in sign constitution”, 6. International Congress of the International Association for Semiotic Studies, Guadalajara (Mexico).
1996 Lecture “Contemporary Chinese intertextuality and virtual cultural memory”, 5. Conference of International Society for the Study of European Ideas, University for Humanist Studies, Utrecht (The Netherlands).
2003 Die Neue Aktionsgalerie, Berlin, 2002 Internationales Literaturfestival (International Literature Festival ) Berlin, 1997 – 1993 Hölderlin-Turm, Tübingen, 1995 Literaturhaus Hamburg, 1995 Karlsruher Asientage (Karlsruhe Asia Days).
Studies of Sinology and Comparative Literature (MA) in Tübingen, Berlin and Taibei (Taiwan R.O.C.). Business studies (dipl. oec. GSBA, Zurich, Switzerland). Advanced training “German as a foreign language” DaF, FU Berlin.