
2017 “Culture Belt and Road City Report”, Hong Kong Belt-Road. City-to-City Cultural Exchange Conference 2017. City Reports, edited by Zuni Icosahedron,s. 14-21, with Susanne GösseCityReports Kopie

2017 “Laudatio anlässlich der Verleihung des Oberbayerischen Kulturpreises 2017 an die Schauspielerin Bettina Mittendorfer (Laudatio on the occasion of the award of the Upper Bavarian Culture Prize 2017 to the actress Bettina Mittendorfer)”, held on 2 July 2017 in Haar near Munich, in: Oberbayerischer Kulturpreis 2017, edited by Bezirk Oberbayern Pressestelle, Munich 2017, p.8-13.

2015 “Tongguo chuangzao xingxingwei chaoyue chengshi dadao gexinghua bioada (Ten days with Zhou Xinfang in Shanghai. Posthumous thoughts)”, in: Jihua jingju dashi Zhou Xinfang danchen 120 zhounian. Waiguo zhuanjia yanjiu wence (In Memory of the 120th Birthday of the Jingju Maestro Zhou Xinfang. A Collection of Research Papers by Foreign Experts), edited by  Zhou Xinfang Arts Research Center: Shanghai 2015, S. 10-15, with Susanne Gösse. German version:  ZhouXinfangDeutsch

2014 “Der Körper in der Darstellenden Kunst – der Neutralkörper (The Body in the Performing Arts – the Neutral Body)”, in: Psychologische Medizin. Österreichische Fachzeitschrift für Medizinische Psychologie, Psychotherapie und Psychosomatik, Wien 3/2014, S. S. 23-28. Available as pdf, german version: 2014Neutralkörper

2011 “Die Bühne als Raumapparat/The Stage as Space Apparatus”, in: Theater der Zeit 6/2011, Supplement to the Prague Quadriennale 2011, p.2f. Available as pdf, german version: 2011Bauhausbühne

2010 “Formen bilden, Formen vernichten (Forming forms, destroying forms)”, in: Lektionen 4: Schauspielen Ausbildung (Lessons 4: Acting Training), edited by Bernd Stegemann, Theater der Zeit, Berlin 2010, p.169-188.

2010 “Form and Change. Acting as a Path – Based on the Example of Aikido and Other Types of Body Work”, in: Extending the Way. Applications of Aikido Principles in Personal, Social and Business Development, edited by Stephan Richter, Peter Schettgen, David Sikora, Paul Linden, e-book, p.39-54. Book available as pdf: ExtendingTheWay2010

2002 “Form und Wandlung. Schauspiel als Weg am Beispiel des Aikido und anderen Arten der Körperarbeit (Form and Change. Acting as a Path – Based on the Example of Aikido and Other Types of Body Work)”, in: Peter Schettgen (Hg.): Heilen statt Hauen. Aikido-Erweiterungen in Therapie und beruflicher Bildungsarbeit (Healing instead of hitting. Aikido Extensions in Therapy and Vocational Education Work), Augsburg 2002, S. 117-134. (English translation see 2010).

2001 “Formen bilden, Formen vernichten. Bemerkungen zu neuen Wegen in der Schauspielausbildung (Form forms, destroy forms. Remarks on new ways in acting education)”, in: Rollenunterricht, Sprecherziehung, Stimmbildung und Körperarbeit in der Ausbildung zum Schauspieler. Dokumentation der Arbeitstagung der Bayerischen Theaterakademie August Everding 27.-30.4.2000 (Role teaching, speech training, voice training and bodywork in the training to become an actor. Documentation of the workshop of the Bavarian Theatre Academy August Everding 27.-30.4.2000), Munich 2001, S. 201-215. Available as pdf .

1999 “Grammatik der Füsse und Stimme (Grammar of the feet and voice)”, in: Integration von Sprecherziehung, Liedgestaltung und Körpertraining in der Ausbildung zum Schauspieler. Dokumentation der Arbeitstagung der Bayerischen Theaterakademie 26.-29.3.1998 (Integration of speech education, song design and body training in the training of actors. Documentation of the workshop of the Bayerische Theaterakademie 26.-29.3.1998), Munich 1999, S. 96-100, with Uwe Hollmach.

Lectures and unpublished articles, available as pdf

2017 „Karma und Kaffee. Ein Rektor auf Reisen“ (Karma and coffee. A rector on the road) (contribution for a commemorative publication in honour of Wolfgang Engler, which was not realised). Festschrift W.Engler

2017 Forschungsbericht SoSe 2017. Grundlagenforschung zu Inhalt und Praxis des Bewegungsunterrichts in der darstellenden Kunst (Research report SoSe 2017. basic research on the content and practice of physical education in the performing arts). 2017-ForschungsberichtProf.MartinGruber

2015 with Susanne Gösse: “What is there beyond the Four Seas? Just the same as what there is here. Theater in China oder: Der Fremde ist fremd nur in der Fremde” (What is there beyond the Four Seas? Just the same as what there is here. Theater in China or: The foreigner is foreign only in the foreign) 2015-WhatIsThereBeyondTheFourSeas

2012 “Demigod or Servant. On the Vulnerability of the Actor”, Lecture given at the 14th International Symposium of Theatre Critics and Scholars “The Actor is Dead, Long Live the Actor”Sterijno Pozorje Festival and International Association of Theatre Critics (IATC), Novi Sad (Serbien). German version: 2012HalbgottOderKnecht English translation: 2012-DemigodOrServant

2009 “Structural-functional bodywork: Talmi-Methode®” 2009-Structural-Functional_bodywork_article

2006 “Being with Dub. Das achtzehnte Kamel (The eighteenth camel)”. (Originally written as a contribution to a commemorative volume in honour of Dub Leigh). German version: BeingWithDub  In English and Russian translation: BeingWithDubRuss.+Eng

2003 “Go and wash your Plate. Or how to teach Aikido to human resources”. Lecture given at the 5th International Conference of Aikido-Extensions „Managing Organizations and Human Resources“, University of Augsburg. German version: GoWashPlateDeutsch English translation (transl. by Robert Rowley)GoWashPlate