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Body as Territory 2 @ UDK mit Slava Kushkov

In this 6-days-intensive workshop, in combination with the Talmi-Method®-bodywork and Suzuki-Training, basic concepts of the performing arts such as posture, breathing, standing, walking, sitting and the quality of movement will be examined and explored anew.

Through precise training of perception and awareness, it is possible to get away from habitual movements and arbitrary body behavior and instead, through the freedom of movement gained, to make clear and conscious decisions that correspond to the circumstances and requirements in question.

Special emphasis is placed on anatomical or physiological principles and health aspects of movement during rehearsal and performance. New spaces for practicing are also discovered, so it is possible to hold parts of the workshop outdoors.

Part of the exercises are performed in pairs with body contact.

Knowledge requirements

Course is suitable for performers of all genres and categories (actors, directors, opera singers, dancers, puppeteers, etc.).

Equipment requirements

Free clothing, barefoot or with socks, if possible, please bring a blanket.

Run period: 26.08.2024 – 31.08.2024
Course time: 10.00 am – 5.00 pm
Application Deadline: 28.07.2024
→ Application here
Course fee: EUR 590
Min. number of participants: 12
Max. number of participants: 20


Viatcheslav Kushkov works internationally as choreographer and movement director. His projects include premiers and performances worldwide, among others in Austria, Germany, Italy, Norway, Russia, Serbia.
Studied at the Humboldt University in Berlin (DE) and State Linguistic University in Pyatigorsk (RU). He researches about attention and conscience in movement concepts and their mediation at acting schools.
As a movement scientist, he conducts courses for performers worldwide. He is a guest lecturer at the Universität der Künste in Berlin, Hochschule für Musik und Theater „Felix Mendessohn Bartholdy“ in Leipzig and the Hochschule für Schauspielkunst „Ernst Busch“. Further training and experience in body-oriented methods such as Talmi-Method, Suzuki-Training and other functional breathing, body and movement approaches and techniques. Co-founder of the Martial Arts Convention Berlin. Since 2021 he has been artistic director of the company “ART//2020 – darstellende Kunstsicherung” and Art-Festival “Festspiele im Bregenzerwald.



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